The West Australian Department of Minerals, Industry, Resources and Safety (DMIRS) awarded six geothermal exploration permits on 27 July, 2023. These are the first licenses to be awarded as a result of the 2022 geothermal bid round and the first geothermal exploration permits issued in Western Australia since 2011.
A summary of the awarded GEPs is shown in the table below:

Bids received on a number of additional areas are still being processed and it is likely that additional permits will be awarded in the coming weeks. One of the issues identified is completing the consultation process with existing petroleum permit holders and establishing a clear mechanism for resolving potential resource tenure conflicts. DMIRS recently released a draft "Guide note on the management of subsisting petroleum and geothermal titles" for public consultation. Submissions are due by 1 September. The AGA has scheduled a workshop for members to discuss the subject on 14 August.