Please check out the latest newsletter from Maria Richards at the SMU Geothermal Laboratory:
The Geothermal Lab newsletters are a reason for me to think big. As this year comes to an end, it is exciting to know that there are many reasons to increase my own energy in a positive manner. Geothermal discussions seem much more common. Many of you reached out this year to discuss new ideas, or old ideas ready to be tested. Let’s keep the momentum going!
An example of a previous effort coming into action is with Ken Wisian and his team at UT Austin-BEG in 2023 picking up the effort to understand how to convert coal plants to geothermal plants.
Expansive Ideas
Cornell University, Ithaca NY drilled this summer to find energy solutions that include geothermal district energy heating and cooling. A 3 minute video shows the process of drilling, that is pretty impressive. https://deepgeothermalheat.engineering.cornell.edu/
Geothermal resources can expand other energy resources as shown by Kevin Kitz presentation to the US Energy industry. From Colorado Mesa University campus to a Marine Corps Base in Georgia, he finds solutions in unusual places and expands them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_bEln7g5Y4
Beyond Geothermal is Light from a bottle! Turns out my top idea comes from 2013 Brazil https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-23536914 yet I learned about it more recently from the Philippians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPXjzsXJ1Y0.
Beyond Geothermal is BODYHEAT. Glasgow, Scotland uses human heat as a source similar to geothermal heat pumps. https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/glasgow-bodyheat-project-combines-human-body-heat-and-underground-heat-storage/
Join Thinkgeoenergy.com for your daily dose of ideas. Thank you Alex for years of information!
Learning and Connecting Opportunities
The International Heat Flow Commission continues to improve the Global Heat Flow Database. They now have a website to learn about the data, join a working group, tutorials about heat flow and temperatures. Learn more at https://www.ihfc-iugg.org/.
The Seismology section of the American Geophysical Union celebrated 100 years by showcasing the top 100 papers in seismology. If you want to learn more about how we measure the Earth’s movements, systems, and changes then read these articles https://connect.agu.org/seismology/celebrating-agu100.
HARC Research offers datasets and GIS files related to human activities, watersheds, land cover and more. As the Texas Clean Energy Hub, funded by the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), their available tools, podcasts, guides and case studies are ready for you to use in 2023. Expand your knowledge at https://energyhub.harcresearch.org/.
Live in Texas or just like Blue Bonnets, then the Take Care of Texas newsletter and website are full of positive interactive videos, news updates, and activities. http://takecareoftexas.org
Looking for a job in geology – geothermal energy or just more knowledge? Geological Society of America has free webinars and listing of job openings. https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/Education_Careers/GeoCareers/GSA/careers/home.aspx
October 17 = World Geothermal Day website includes information for businesses, teachers, families, community leaders. http://www.geothermalday.com/ or watch videos at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23worldgeothermalenergyday
Teachers and Parents: Here’s a classroom activity utilizing Google Earth from the Critical Zone Observatories on the Valles Caldera National Preserve in New Mexico. http://www.smu.edu/-/media/Site/Dedman/Academics/Programs/Geothermal-Lab/Documents/TeacherMaterials/Valles_Caldera_Teacher_Sheet.ashx?la=en
Geothermal materials and activities for all ages is on our SMU Geothermal Lab website: https://www.smu.edu/Dedman/Academics/Departments/Earth-Sciences/Research/GeothermalLab/OutreachEducation/TeacherMaterials
Geothermal Heat Pump News and Knowledge
IGSHPA and GeoExchange are teamed up to bring us a stronger organization and offering for trainings, government advocacy, technology updates, and outreach. Check out their updated training classes, or read the recent newsletter at https://igshpa.org/.
Feeling cold? Geo Outlook had an article on a GSHP demonstration project in subarctic Alaska. They investigated the use of GSHP effects on soil temperatures and how the system performs with a long heating season and no cooling season. Read the full article at http://www.geooutlook.org/epub/GO2018No1/16/.
In Austin, Texas the housing community of Whispering Valley is growing with its community-scale innovative geothermal heat pump infrastructure. Read more at https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/texas-neighborhood-to-be-built-atop-largest-residential-geothermal-grid/
The Department of Energy has a good introduction to the types of geothermal heat pump systems available. http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/geothermal-heat-pumps
DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency) is the most comprehensive source of information on tax incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. http://www.dsireusa.org/
HeatSpring offers training courses for geothermal installers and designers. https://www.heatspring.com/
End of Year Giving
The Geothermal Lab outreach is funded through tax deductible donations. Use this link to go directly to the SMU Giving webpage and search for Geothermal Laboratory if you're interested in contributing. Thank you!
Cheers to the many reasons to celebrate! Thanks for being one of them for me. Maria
Maria Richards
SMU Geothermal Lab Coordinator
Roy M. Huffington Dept of Earth Sciences
214-768-1975 w