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AGA Joins Geothermal Energy Advancement Association

The AGA is pleased to announce that we have become Founding Members of the Geothermal Energy Advancement Association.

GEAA is a not-for-profit stakeholder-driven association that advocates increased investment and development in the Geothermal Energy space, building awareness of this sustainable energy providing low carbon power, heat, and hot water providing a cascade of end user benefits.

GEAA promotes geothermal, its future role within the global energy mix, the necessary policy and legal frameworks needed to accelerate its use.

GEAA’s dedicated and focused “Working Groups” provide subject matter topics through webinars and focus white papers as subject matter briefing papers on key aspects of geothermal. GEAA membership is open globally to all those interested in advancing geothermal and its role in transitioning to a world using less hydrocarbons.



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