Unlocking the value of low temperature geothermal projects using Leapfrog Energy
Thu, 26 Oct
This webinar will discuss using Seequent's Leapfrog software to conduct a technical assessment of low temperature geothermal resources using examples from Europe. Join us using the link below.

Time & Location
26 Oct 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm AWST
About the event
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 478 027 372 159 Passcode: LegV9S
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Geothermal can be developed for a range of different applications. All of these require understanding of the subsurface and the resource. Seequent have been supporting the global geothermal industry since 2012 by developing fast, flexible and dynamic tools to model the subsurface. This webinar will touch on how you can use implicit modelling to build your conceptual model with a focus on low enthalpy sedimentary basin workflows. Learn how you can estimate your resource, integrate with flow simulations and plan your well targets. We will talk through a couple of case studies from Europe and have special guest Martin Pujol talk to his experience applying Leapfrog Energy in this space.
Clare Baxter will be presenting. Clare is the Senior Customer Solution Specialist, Energy, for Seequent. Based in Christchurch New Zealand she supports all of the geothermal user in Asia Pacific Region. A geologist by background, Clare has also completed a Master of Energy at Auckland University where she focused her research on building a natural state model of Terceira Island in the Azures. Clare has been using and teaching Seequent applications for 12 years.