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Fervo announces technical and commercial breakthroughs at Cape Station geothermal site
Fervo Energy's first well at the Cape Station geothermal site in Utah delivered an output of over 10 MW after well testing, on pace for...

Hydrogen production from low-temperature geothermal energy – opportunities, challenges, and mitigating solutions
At the AGA Webinar on 25 July 2024, Maryam Hamlehdar (University of Melbourne) presented a comprehensive review of the potential of...

Larderello, Italy celebrates 120 years of geothermal electricity generation
A celebration was held in Tuscany, Italy to commemorate the 120-year anniversary since geothermal energy was first used to generate...

Webinar Recordings now available
Members are now able to access recordings of selected AGA webinars using the link below. For more information on the various webinars...

Hancock Prospecting lifts stake in Vulcan Energy
Strategic investments by CIMIC Group and Hancock Prospecting €40 million (~A$65 million) placement enables Vulcan to maintain project...

EGS Development Accelerates: Fervo signs 320-MW geothermal PPA with California utility
Fervo Energy will be supplying geothermal power from the Cape Station project to utility Southern California Edison under a 15-year...

Australian Geothermal Tenement Map Now Available
The Australian Geothermal Association is pleased to make available a current map of existing geothermal tenements and applications in...

Webinar Presentation: Exploration of Fault-Controlled Geothermal Systems: A Case Study in the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain)
Dr. Gemma Mitjanas presented her research results in a webinar on 23 May 2024. Gemma currently a research fellow at the Sustainable...
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