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SMU Geothermal Lab Newsletter - Expanding ideas and knowledge
Please check out the latest newsletter from Maria Richards at the SMU Geothermal Laboratory: The Geothermal Lab newsletters are a reason...

Geothermal district heating & cooling systems
Are district energy systems finally ready for prime time in Australia?

Geothermal Reuse of Mines
Recycling mines into heat pumps could hold key to geothermal energy future.

Geothermal's role in Australia's transition to a green energy superpower
The AGA has made a submission to the Parliamentary Committee inquiry into Australia's transition to a green energy superpower.

Ground source heat pumps: The Fairwater estate in Blacktown, NSW
UTS Special Series – a focus on academics and their work. In this article, Professor Leena Thomas of the UTS School of Architecture steps...

IGA Newsletter - Nov 2022
Check out the latest news from the International Geothermal Association

Call for Nominations for the IGA Board
The IGA Membership and Nominating Committee is calling for nominations from the membership for 15 candidates for Board representation for...

PNG energy authority includes geothermal in priority agenda
Geothermal energy is considered the top renewable energy priority in PNG as the country continues to expand electricity coverage.
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